Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Benefits of Blogging For Business

goes without saying that maintaining a blog is a good idea for the health of your business. Have you ever asked yourself Why? Being familiar with how blogs work and how to effectively utilize them for the health and wealth of your business will pay you back substantially for your efforts. Ineffective Blogging will simply waste your time, efforts, and this tremendous marketing tool.

Why does your business need a Blog? Credibility would be a good answer. Posting about news in your industry, links you'd recommend to topics related to your industry or post valuable information from the inside or your personal experiences, your readers will see you not only as a valuable information source but as a community minded business.

Building traffic and list building are two more reasons why your business needs a blog. These tools are Solid, Effective, and Proven Tools for marketing your Goods and Services Online.

Blogs are great for your customers.They're not seen the same as your basic website or sales page. Postings are usually informal. At times entertaining yet informative. Their accuracy and effectiveness will peak the interest of your readers, establish you as an Expert, and build trust between you and your readers.

Having the ability to offer subscriptions to your blog through sources loike, your readers can simply opt to recieve notices of your most recent postings, delivered directly to their inboxes. Provided your postings remain relevant to your readers wants and needs, they'll continually come to you first.

If you set up your blog to accept comments, this will give your readers the ability to post feedback on your posts. This will give you valuable insight and ideas regarding your next product or project.

How to build traffic with your blog. Your blog provider may provide potential readers the option of a search box. This tool gives the reader the ability to search for a particular blog using a word or phrase. By using those particular words or phrases in your title you'll boost your chances for acquiring some targeted traffic.

Don't forget to submit your blog to the search engines. Also remember, this is "The Information Super Highway". Blogging is information and the Search Engines Love them. After every post, Simply 'ping' your blog, (this announces
your update. I use and the search engines will pick it up.

So jump on the blogging bandwagon take advantage of one of the cheapest and smartest marketing tools available. It's easy and profitable - so build yours today!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


For thousands of years of our world's tradition, majority always rules. The common people decide and the few are left behind. From the crucifixion of Christ in the cross to the election of most of today's world's leaders in their presidency, it's always the majority of votes that becomes the cause. The good choice is the choice of the common people. But can we indeed rely on the choice of the common people? Well, to answer that question, I have enumerated some facts that describe the common people.

Fact 1: Lying is common to people.
Fact 2: Majority of the people crave for money and fame.
Fact 3: Majority of the people are proud .
Fact 4: The common people lack patience.
Fact 5: True love is rare to common people.
Fact 6: Wisdom is uncommon to people.

Those facts are facts and we can't deny them. However, I am not concluding that the common choice is always a bad choice. Sometimes, the common choice makes a right choice especially when it is directed or influenced by few extraordinary people. Nevertheless, greatness and good virtue are only found on few people and reliability is not absolute on the majority of the people.

We all need decisions to change or continue our lives. A good decision will bring us success while a bad decision might bring us tragedy. In making a decision, it's very important for us to know what is a right or a wrong decision. Most people follow the common decision while some people go into unusual decision. If we will base on the hidden truth behind the people mouths, majority of them would chose money and fame rather than love. Most humans will choose easiness rather than difficulties. They would choose pride rather than humility.

Life is a decision to make. It is a gate to enter and a way to walk. There are two kinds of decision a person can choose. These are the hard decision and the easy decision. In most cases, the hard decisions are the right decisions, but these are not chosen by most people because of their hardships. Most people like ease and hate sacrifices. That's why they don't succeed in their lives. One example of a hard decision is to love truly. True love is full of sufferings and sacrifices. Because of these, most people avoid true love. They avoid love to avoid pains. But what they don't realize is that they are avoiding the greatness and righteousness of life. Difficulty makes life a real life and true love makes life a great life. < In life, there are also two kinds of gates we must choose to get in. There is a wide gate that most people enter because of its effortlessness and convenience. There is also a narrow gate which only few enter because of its difficulties and sacrifices. The wide gate offers convenience, fortune and fame. In the wide gate there are almost no rules and laws to be followed. You can just lie, boast and you can just wear anything (sexy dress is allowed) in the wide gate. It's such a majestic and decorative gate. It's colorful like casinos and night clubs. That is why many people are attractive and enters in the wide gate. On the other hand, the narrow gate is full of pains. That is why only few people enter on it. These people are the ones who are god fearing, enduring and humble. They are the persons who are well disciplined and possess the virtue of honesty and kindness. We must choose the right gate for our souls. We must pass on the right way for the survival of our soul. We must belong to the few people who enter into the narrow gate. Remember that majority of the people lie and becomes proud. What we need to do is to make our selves extraordinary, extraordinary people who are straight and beyond the usual people who are proud and liars. We must become persons who are great and inherits true life and eventually inherits the kingdom of our Almighty God. Nonetheless, the choice is still yours. Where would you want to enter? The wide gate which offers effortlessness? Or the narrow gate which offers difficulties?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Delete Your Private Browsing With Windows Media Player

You've been browsing the Internet or opening and closing media files, and you notice that you've left your fingerprints all over your operating system. You would think that media files that you downloaded, viewed and deleted are gone: But they're not entirely.

If you opened up your media in "Windows Media Player", it has also made note of what videos that you have watched. (This is similar for most players; however, Windows Media Player is the most common so I will only provide an example for it).

Removing Traces from Windows Media Player
- Open Windows Media Player
- Go to "Tools" - > "Options..." in the menu bar
- Select the "Privacy" tab.
- Select "Clear History" and "Clear Caches" at the bottom right (You might even want to turn this feature off by un-selecting the checkbox by: "Save file and URL history in the Player")
- Press "Apply", and "Ok"
- Go to "Library" or "Media Library" depending on what version you are using.
- Click on "all Video"
- If the list is empty then you are fine, chances are will be a list of recently watched videos. You can either individually select videos that you wish to remove, or you can press "Ctrl+A" (Select All), and then press "Delete" to remove them all at once.

- Done!

Use at your own risk - These steps are to be used as a guide, and have been proved effective under normal scenarios. Paul Ryan is not responsible for any malfunction or any other problems that occur from this tutorial. They have been tested and work, but in case something goes funny with your current configuration, he is not liable.
You may copy this article to use on your ezine provided that all links and biography information is left in tact.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Perbedaan Psikolog dan Psikiater

Bagi awam, kedua profesi ini kerap membingungkan. Bukan cuma itu, tidak sedikit yang merasa malu atau segan berkonsultasi dengan psikiater karena takut anaknya dianggap kurang waras. "Ini jelas sebuah kekeliruan," ujar Prof. Dr. dr. H. Dadang Hawari, Sp.KJ. "Psikiater tidak hanya menangani masalah gangguan jiwa berat, tapi juga ringan. Anak kecanduan main game pun dapat berkonsultasi dengan psikiater," lanjutnya.

Sementara terhadap psikolog, justru dianggap hanya menangani masalah yang ringan-ringan saja. Padahal, psikolog juga dapat menangani masalah gangguan jiwa berat. Seperti dipaparkan DR. Rose Mini A. Prianto, M.Psi., beberapa psikolog juga ada yang bertugas di rumah sakit jiwa atau klinik pascatrauma. Psikolog bisa melihat seberapa berat gangguan pasien dan apa yang dapat dilakukan psikolog untuk mengatasinya. Bisa saja psikolog melakukan terapi perilaku atau membuat pasien lebih tenang menjalani kehidupannya. "Jadi, tidak benar jika psikolog hanya menangani masalah yang ringan-ringan saja," tandas psikolog yang akrab disapa dengan panggilan Romi ini.


Memang, ada beberapa hal yang membedakan psikolog dan psikiater, sebagaimana dijelaskan Dadang di bawah ini:

"Mungkin inilah poin penting yang membedakan psikolog dan psikiater," tandas Guru Besar pada Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia ini. Maksudnya, dalam hal penanganan masalah dimana psikiater boleh memberikan terapi obat-obatan (farmakoterapi).

Dalam kesehatan mental, terang Dadang, yang terganggu tidak hanya psikososial penderita tapi juga biologisnya sehingga memerlukan penanganan obat-obatan. Contoh kasus, anak yang mogok sekolah dengan disertai gangguan psikosomatis seperti sakit perut, sakit kepala, mual, muntah, dan pusing-pusing. Psikosomatis merupakan kelainan atau gangguan pada fisik yang disebabkan faktor psikis seperti stres.

Nah, dalam kasus ini, anak tidak hanya memerlukan konseling untuk mengetahui penyebab mogok sekolahnya—apakah ada konflik dengan guru atau teman, dan sebagainya—tetapi juga pemberian obat-obatan khusus untuk menangani gangguan psikosomatisnya. "Obat sakit kepala, mual, muntal tidak dibutuhkan karena tidak efektif, yang mereka butuhkan obat-obatan psikiatri yang cocok dengan dosis tepat."

Penggunaan obat-obatan juga lazim digunakan untuk anak-anak yang mengalami kecanduan, tidak hanya narkotika atau rokok, lo, tapi juga kecanduan lainnya seperti kecanduan bermain game. "Jika bermain game-nya sudah berlebihan bahkan sampai mengganggu sekolahnya, maka anak memerlukan terapi obat-obatan."

Penanganan psikiatri di seluruh dunia, ungkap Dadang, dilakukan dengan empat cara yang disingkat BPSS, yaitu Biologic (obat-obatan), Psychologic (konsultasi), social (penanganan sosial), dan spiritual (agama). "Keempat-empatnya harus dijalankan secara terpadu." Dadang lantas mencontohkan kasus anak yang mengalami stres karena konflik dengan teman. Dia harus mendapatkan penanganan lewat konsultasi, apa yang dapat dilakukan untuk meredakan ketegangan yang dialami, lalu diberikan obat-obatan agar anak tidak kelewat cemas dengan permasalahan yang dialami.

Begitu pun sosialnya, dengan melihat penyebab stres si anak lalu mencoba mengatasinya, apa yang dapat dilakukan anak/orangtua/guru untuk mengatasi konflik anak, membekali anak mengatasi konfliknya sendiri, dan lain-lain. Agama juga penting dijalani agar anak merasa tenang, seperti mengajarkan berdoa, beribadah, berbuat baik sehingga dicintai Tuhan serta akan memiliki banyak teman, dan sebagainya.

Sementara soal farmakoterapi, apakah anak memerlukan penanganan obat-obatan atau tidak, hanya dokterlah yang tahu. Dokter akan melihat sejauh mana berat ringannya penyakit, juga efektivitas pemberian obat-obatan tersebut. "Sebab, ada gangguan seperti stres atau trauma yang tetap memerlukan penanganan obat-obatan. Jika tidak diobati, gangguan itu selalu muncul. Anak yang tidak stabil, misalnya, dia enggan membuka diri, diajak ngobrol enggak mau, sering mengamuk, dan lain-lain. Jadi, gangguan itu harus diatasi terlebih dahulu. Setelah kondisi anak stabil, barulah dia bisa diterapi perilaku atau konsultasi, dan lain-lain," terang Dadang.


Meski ada perbedaannya, namun Romi menyarankan orangtua agar jangan terlalu bingung untuk memilih antara psikolog dan psikiater. Sebab, pada dasarnya kedua profesi ini, baik psikolog atau psikiater, mendalami ilmi kejiwaan dan juga ilmu perkembangan anak. Psikolog pun banyak yang mendalami ilmu kedokteran. Jadi, sebagian besar masalah yang bisa diatasi psikolog, dapat dilakukan juga oleh psikiater. Toh, jika memerlukan bantuan penanganan ahli lain, psikolog tetap akan mereferensikan anak agar berkonsultasi lebih lanjut kepada psikiater. Demikian pula sebaliknya.

Bahkan, dalam penanganan kasus tertentu, kerja sama keduanya sangat diperlukan. Misal, anak yang mogok sekolah, dilihat dulu adakah gangguan fisik yang menyertai. Jika ada gangguan seperti anak kurang vitamin, gangguan pencernaan, gangguan kecemasan, maka penanganan dokter atau psikiater diperlukan. "Bisa saja anak tidak mau sekolah karena pikirannya tertekan sehingga membutuhkan obat penenang. Sebab, jika anak belum tenang, sulit sekali memberikan treatment kepada anak." Namun jika tidak ada masalah fisik, maka bisa saja psikolog menangani masalah tersebut sendiri.

Meski begitu, dalam hal-hal tertentu ada kekhususan bidang yang digarap psikolog, seperti menangani masalah pendidikan anak. Contoh, bagaimana mengukur kemampuan anak seperti IQ, juga cara melejitkan potensi anak secara maksimal. "Jadi, psikolog tidak hanya menangani anak bermasalah, tapi juga memaksimalkan potensi diri anak," tukas Romi. Selain itu, tambahnya, psikolog juga dapat menangani masalah-masalah ringan di rumah, semisal tentang aturan dan disiplin di rumah, anak sulit makan atau tidak bisa makan sendiri; juga masalah kemandirian seperti anak belum bisa buang air kecil sendiri, serta masalah perilaku buruk anak semisal mengumpat, meludah, dan lain-lain. "Masalah-masalah ini mungkin lebih tepat ditangani psikolog," katanya.

Nah, kini sudah tak bingung lagi kan?!


Tentunya, selama permasalahan anak dinilai ringan dan orangtua merasa mampu serta tahu teknik menanganinya, maka tak masalah bila orangtua berusaha mengatasinya sendiri. Apalagi saat ini banyak media yang dapat memperluas wawasan orangtua tentang penanganan dan pengasuhan anak. Ada majalah, tabloid, milis-milis, bahkan parenting center di televisi ataupun seminar-seminar. Banyak orangtua yang terbantu, bahkan berhasil melakukan penanganan sendiri. "Namun jika orangtua kesulitan atau tidak mampu, tak ada salahnya meminta bantuan para ahli, dalam hal ini psikolog dan psikiater," kata Romi.

Nah, masalah apa sajakah yang perlu bantuan psikolog atau psikiater? Berikut di antaranya:
A. Adanya penyimpangan perilaku, di antaranya:

1. Sering bolos sekolah, tidak mau sekolah, atau mogok sekolah.

2. Terlibat kenakalan anak atau remaja, bahkan anak sempat dituntut di pengadilan. Bisa mencuri, melakukan kekerasan pada anak lain, atau kenakalan yang dianggap berlebihan lainnya.

3. Kerap ditegur guru atau diskors karena kelakuan buruknya.

4. Kabur atau mencoba beberapa kali kabur dari rumah.

5. Selalu berbohong.

6. Melakukan hubungan seks.

7. Tertangkap basah merokok.

8. Sering kali mencuri atau menyembunyikan barang milik orang lain.

9. Kerap merusak barang orang lain.

10. Prestasinya jeblok sehingga tidak naik kelas.

11. Tidak disiplin. Sering melawan orangtua, guru, dan sosok yang memiliki otoritas tinggi lainnya.

12 Sering berkelahi.

13. Kecanduan bermain game.

B. Memperlihatkan gejala-gejala stres dengan berbagai penyebab, antara lain:

1. Sulit tidur, sering mengompol, menurunnya nafsu makan, gagap, sering sakit perut, kerap sakit kepala, dan mimpi buruk.

2. Perubahan mood, asalnya periang mendadak murung.

3. Marah, menangis, atau takut berlebihan, mengisolasi diri atau enggan bergaul, dan lain-lain.

4. Sulit berkonsentrasi, gangguan pemusatan perhatian, sering melamun, dan lain-lain.

5. Temperamental, mengalami gangguan emosi.

C. Menunjukkan gejala autisma, gangguan pemusatan perhatian, hiperaktif, dan lain-lain.

Gejala autisma sendiri di antaranya tidak ada kontak mata, gangguan bicara, gangguan motorik, gagal melakukan hubungan sosial, tidak peduli dengan orang lain, berjalan jinjit, dan lain-lain.

D. Mengalami gangguan dan keterlambatan perkembangan.

Terlambat bicara, terlambat berjalan, dan keterlambatan lainnya.


Why We Should Learn a Foreign Language

During the modern age, with globalization at its height, knowing one or two secondary languages has become more than a simple feat of high class and intelligence but also a strict requirement in many occasions. Whether it's for professional, social or personal reasons, learning at least one foreign language is a must for anyone that wants to keep his or her head up high in today's society. Let's take a focused look on 5 of the main reasons that should turn you towards learning a foreign language.

1. Professional Requirement

This is probably the main reason for which one would learn a foreign language. Many professions require the knowledge of at least one or two foreign languages, depending on the field of the job. Most jobs may ask that you know an international language such as English, French, Spanish or German or a business-specific language such as Chinese, Japanese, Russian and so forth. If you're a native English speaker you may have it a bit easier, since English is the main international language (and one that is present the most often in job descriptions) but knowing a secondary might also prove vital.

2. Social Bonus

Yes, knowing a foreign language (or more) is definitely a social bonus. There's definitely a steep hill to climb between being presented as someone that doesn't know any foreign language whatsoever against being presented as a polyglot. Another case when knowing a foreign language can be literally a social blessing is when meeting a foreigner whose language you can speak. They'll be extremely impressed by your ability to talk with them through their own native tongue, although you're on home grounds and this fact can single handedly create a great impression around you. If the foreigner happens to be part of a business meeting, this impression can turn to a successful business partnership, bringing you both professional and social satisfactions.

3. Family Communication< It's often the case where a couple formed out of persons of diverse nationalities understand each other through a commonly known international language such as English. However, they'll soon want to start learning the other person's mother tongue, not only for a better communication, but also out of respect for them. 4. Personal Satisfaction Learning a foreign language is one of the highest intellectual goals that one could have, on a personal scale. Think about a difficult puzzle, or math problem that takes months if not years of constant studying in order to be solved. The process of solving it may be a hard, arduous one but the yell of joy at the end is well worth it. It's the same case with learning a foreign language: the learning process is not easy and you'll have many small issues and problems to tackle along the way. You'll have to focus on various aspects of the problem, such as spelling, grammar, reading, pronunciation and so forth. If you keep the problem in sight however and if you don't lose interest in it, the chances of solving it are extremely high and the intellectual fulfillment that you get at the end is incomparable to anything else. 5. Keeping Your Mind Healthy It's been scientifically proven that by learning a new language, the process stimulates your brain in such a way that it will make you more keen on understanding and learning other subjects, including "real" disciplines such as math, physics, chemistry and so forth. Learning a new language requires the memorizing and understanding of several thousand new words and concepts, which offers your brain a good training for future occasions where memorizing is a must. After studying a foreign language you'll have better results with studying for exams, with information assimilation and generally, with keeping your mind healthy and "active" even at older ages.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cara Download video dari Youtube

Siapa yang tidak tahu tentang youtube. video berbagi gratis ini sangatlah populer bagi para user yang membutuhkan entertainmen, hiburan, tutorial, fakta sejarah, fakta ilmiah, tutorial,dan banyak yang lainnya. Semua video dalam youtube diupload oleh berbagai macam user dan gratis untuk menguploadnya. space yang didisediakan oleh youtube kepada kita sangat besar jadi jangan kuatir jika kita akan mengupload video yang sangat banyak sekalipun. Jumlah video yang ada di youtube menurut berbagai sumber beberapa tahun terakhir lebih dari 100 juta video, kalau sekarang pastinya lebih besar dari angka itu

Keberadaan youtube di dunia internet sangatlah banyak membantu bagi kalangan pelajar, mahasiswa bahkan untuk orang yang mau populer bisa mengupload videonya lewat youtube.
banyak contoh artis indonesia yang terkenal gara-gara youtube, pertama yaitu aksi dari sinta dan jojo dengan menyanyikan lagu lipsing keong racun.videonya sudah ditonton hampir 7,5 juta pemirsa. dan kemudian sekarang mereka mendadak menjadi artis. banyak lagi contoh ain seperti briptu norman kamaru polisi yang mendadak menjadi artis, dan yang paling heboh adalah ketenaran penyanyi cilik yang menjadi idola para remaja adalah kedatangan justin bieber yang tak lain kepopulerannya gara-gara youtube juga.

Banyak cara yang akan kita untuk mendownload konten video yang ada di youtube mulai dari cara mudah sampai sulit akan tetapi saya akan membantu untuk cara yang mudah saja

1. Menggunakan aplikasi Youtube Downloader

aplikasi ini sangat mudah digunaka tinggal copy url yang ada di youtube dan pastekan ke enter video url seperti gambar di atas sangat mudah. kita juga bisa mmemilih format video yang akan akan kita download, jadi aplikasi ini akan otomatis mengkonvert format video yang akan kita pilih seperti 3gp dan mp4.

2. Orbit Downoader

Seperti Youtube downloader orbit downloader juga bisa mendownload bideo dari youtube, bedanya kalau orbit selain bisa downoad video dia juga bisa download file file yang lain seperti format zip,doc,pdf dan lainnya. untuk fitur dowload video orbit menyajikan fitur tambahan yitu ada fitur flasvideo yang ada ditab lainnya.

3.Internet Download Manager

Kalau aplikasi ini yang paling ane demenin tidak usah repot reot copy paste urlnya yang dari youtube, kita tinggal play videonya kemudian akan muncul tawaran "download video from this page" atau "download audio from this page" kita lang sung klik tombol tawaran itu langsung jadi mudah banget. idm juga seperti orbit selain bisa download file video juga bisa download file lainnya.

Kalau mau download video yang tanpa aplikasi ada berbagai cara,

1. Kita mainkan video dari youtube tersebut sampai selesai, kemudian kita cari file chace dari web browser kita cari file yang besar kemudian file tersebut di rename extensinya jadi flv atau mp4, tetapi paling banyak digunakn di youtube adalah file flv. contoh ada data di chace dengan nama 2we2ue dengan besarnya 12mb maka kita tinggal merename nama tersebut menjadi 2we2ue.flv begitu mudah kan,,,,

2. Tambahkan kata kiss tepat di depan alamat youtube ya jadi kalu di url alamatnya begini kita tinggal nambahin kiss jadi kissyoutube/blablabla... kemudian lihat erintah selanjutnya.

3. Membuka alamat sama seperti you kiss tapi ini metodenya cuman copy url dari youtube kemudian pastekan di form url yang telah disediakan oeh

selamat mencoba

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Install xampp for linux

Step 1: DownloadSimply click on one of the links below. It's a good idea to get the latest version. :)A complete list of downloads (older versions) is available at SourceForge.A detailed overview over the changes and contents of all XAMPP releases is available in the RELEASE NOTES.
Step 2: Installation
After downloading simply type in the following commands:

Go to a Linux shell and login as the system administrator root:


Extract the downloaded archive file to /opt:

tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.3a.tar.gz -C /opt

Warning: Please use only this command to install XAMPP. DON'T use any Microsoft Windows tools to extract the archive, it won't work.

Warning 2: already installed XAMPP versions get overwritten by this command.

That's all. XAMPP is now installed below the /opt/lampp directory.
Step 3: Start
To start XAMPP simply call this command:

/opt/lampp/lampp start

You should now see something like this on your screen:

Starting XAMPP 1.7.3a...
LAMPP: Starting Apache...
LAMPP: Starting MySQL...
LAMPP started.

Ready. Apache and MySQL are running.

If you get any error messages please take a look at the Linux FAQ.
Step 4: Test
OK, that was easy but how can you check that everything really works? Just type in the following URL at your favourite web browser:


Now you should see the start page of XAMPP containing some links to check the status of the installed software and some small programming examples.

The Instant Art example: A small PHP/GD program (since 0.9.6pre1 also a flashy PHP/Ming example, see screenshot). Thanks to Anke Arnold for her font »AnkeCalligraph«.

A matter of security (A MUST READ!)
As mentioned before, XAMPP is not meant for production use but only for developers in a development environment. The way XAMPP is configured is to be open as possible and allowing the developer anything he/she wants. For development environments this is great but in a production environment it could be fatal.

Here a list of missing security in XAMPP:

The MySQL administrator (root) has no password.
The MySQL daemon is accessible via network.
ProFTPD uses the password "lampp" for user "nobody".
PhpMyAdmin is accessible via network.
Examples are accessible via network.
MySQL and Apache running under the same user (nobody).

To fix most of the security weaknesses simply call the following command:
/opt/lampp/lampp security
It starts a small security check and makes your XAMPP installation quite secure. For example this protects the XAMPP demo pages by a username ('lampp') and password combination.

See also our XAMPP for Linux FAQ.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Application for measuring the speed of the flash

Who is not familiar with flash, a tiny hadware is very useful now, as a removable disk that is portable. but there are a few tips on choosing a flash of measuring speed. some software to measure the speed of the flash as follows 






Check Flash 

HD Speed

Crystal Disk 


Memory Toolkit

please search yourself on google app application of the above

Modem dengan Tarif Termurah 2011

Bagi semuanya yang ketagihan ngenet atau tidak bisa hidup tanpa ngenet sehari( lebay ah....) ada tawaran merik untuk beli modem dengan tarifyang hemat murah lagi terjangkau tida membuat kantong kering  hahhaha
dari provider provider telekomunikasi indonesia baik itu gsm dan gprs sekarang sudah mulai berlomba lomba dengan mengeluarkan produk paketan internet mereka. Telokomsel dengan telkomsesl flashnya, indosat dengan m2 nya,xl dengan xl internetnya 3 dengan 3 internetnya, smart dengan smart conneknya dan lain sebagainya. 
setelah mencoba dan mencoba berbagai macam kartu saya memutuskan untuk hanya memilih kartu yang satu ini yaitu smart, hahaha jadi demen ama kartu yang satu ini. bayangkan paket unlimited termurah dan tercepat untuk saat ini,(versi ane) hanya 45 rb perbulan sedot film sepuasnya hahahaha dibandingkan dengan kartu lain telkomsel flash 50 ribu  untuk 300 Mb, mau buka web yang banya gambarya saja mikir mikir,punya modem tetapi tersiksa hahaha. bagi ente ente yang di daerahnya terdapat sinyal smart yang bagus ane saranin untuk pindah ke kartu ini  g bakal nyesel deh.

satu lagi smart lagi lagi menawarkan modem degan harga terjangkau yaitu cuman 200 rb plus gratis ngenet selama 1 bulan dan paketannya itu yang premium alias yang 90 ribu perbulan jadi alo diitung itung kita beli modem hanya 110 ribu murah kan.......

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Program binary to decimal conversion java

he following is a simple program that used for conversion of binary numbers to decimal numbers with the Java programming language. no need further ado, straight, it is the source code:

public class conversion
public static void main (String [] args)
String car = "110 111";
int [] arr_bil = new int [1000];
String [] st = new String [1000];
double result = 0, result = 0;
int a = 0;
char t;
for (int i = 0; i (
t = bil.charAt (i);
st [i] = Character.toString (t);
for (int i = bil.length () -1; i> = 0; i-)
arr_bil [a] = Integer.parseInt (st [i]);
result = arr_bil [a] * (Math.pow (2, a));
result = result + result;
a + +;

resultIn int = (int) result;
System.out.println ("Numbers integer:" + car);
System.out.println ("Decimal Numbers:" + resultIn);

and when the program is running on, it will display:
Integer: 110 111
Decimal Numbers: 55
source :