Monday, October 31, 2011

Indonesia is rich country

Indonesia is a rich country, not only the broad area are a consideration that Indonesia is rich. Just imagine a country that possesses extensive Indonesia has fertile soil that can be planted almost any plant that can grow in this world.

From start east to west, north to south can be overgrown with various plants. from the tip baart for example in Aceh coffee thrives there and is a source of major commodities in agriculture in the province which is famous for Mecca's porch, coffee can also grow to almost all tanha in Indonesia, making Indonesia the second largest coffee producer in the world after Brazil.

Down slightly to the north and part of Sumatra island of Sumatra, palm trees can grow well there, then kalimantan besides there are still many unspoiled forests there could grow palm trees and because iitu Indonesia became the largest palm oil producer in the world. forests in Indonesia is also still very good, in Indonesia has a tropical climate so that the trees in a forest called the Indonesian tropical rainforest. That's because all year round forest in Indonesia has always terkana rainwater seh Ingga towering trees.

Down again to the island of Java, the island is famous for its culture and manners also has fertile soil like other islands in Indonesia. but the main commodities of this island is rice, almost a full year to grow rice either rainy or dry season.

Then east again there is the famous tourist island of Bali, could be one of the icons of Indonesia is the island of Bali. armpit of people out there calling the country will surely remember the name of Bali Indonesia. Bali is famous for its beaches kutenya agricultural commodities also have almost the same as the island of Java which is rice.

not only natural resources are owned by Indonesia but also the abundant marine wealth is proof that Indonesia is rich. Just look at the Straits of Sulawesi, there be a place of many fish species are in place no lai, there also has a beautiful tourist place of the famous Bunaken beach all over the world.

Why Mac Os not susceptible to virus

Mac Os (Macintosh Operating System) is an operating system owned by Apple Corporation, the largest IT companies for now after nearly two decades continue under the shadow of Microsoft. Progress made by Apple is nothing but simply because their products are excellent with great design.

Many advantages if we use apple notebook which means using the operating system macintos. In addition to the quality it has very good hadware opersinya system including one of the most perfect for now. Keep in mind now has released the newest version of Mac Os X Lion has increased quite dramatically from previous versions. One of the most attention is its safety.
Mac OS is designed with security oriented, not plagued by constant attacks from PC viruses and malware. The purpose of security is integrated security oriented, but does not slow the system performance. When using a mac Os in our notebooks, Apple will support security in the Internet network, and at that apple also update its security system and delivered to our system so we do not need anti-virus to secure our systems.

Actually, when compared with other major operating systems like windows and linux security mac Os is almost the same for now, in contrast to the previous version (before version X Lion) instead worst safety. One other reason that the mac Os are not easily attacked by a virus is that users mac Os is still small, in one survey the field of IT companies in the world Os mac users only about 8% s is the reason the hackers and crackers are lazy to make a virus or malware attack mac Os, unlike windows users more than 80% of the world, crackers would prefer to make a virus or malware for windows Because they target a lot. Windows also has a good security system but many users, especially in Indonesia to choose the pirated so Microsoft does not support keamaman especially ignored.

The media spread of the virus There were only two of offline and online. For online media users never have to worry mac Os aka tone malware attacks and Karen was there support from Aplle that help security. For most offline media distribution over the network medium (lan, wireless, bloetooth etc.) as well as the exchange flashsdis, and even then very limited and very rarely can be transmitted because of a virus in windows can not work on mac Os that fact more windows users than the User mac Os . So when we use the mac Os and our many friends who use windows there is no reason for us to dizzy dizzy thinking about computer viruses

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Several kinds of web server

For computer lovers, especially who like to network degan certainly no stranger to the web server. When you want to try to make good web pages other than that you need is a web browser like mozilla firefox, internet explorer, safarri, chrome and others that need to be needed next is a web server. of the combined application of mSQL Php, Php Oracle, Sql asp, etc. will definitely need a web server to make it. Various kinds of web servers

Apache Web Server - The HTTP Web Server
Apache Tomcat
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Internet Information Services (IIS)
Sun Java System Web Server (Oracle)
Xitami Web Server
Zeus Web Server

example above is only a small fraction, and indeed most people use it.

How to Boost the Ranking of Blogs

Actually i do not know anything about blogs just for fun and often just write what levels. Many in the search keywords in the search engine google often write "how to blog we visited a lot of visitors" or "how to blog well-known" and so forth. Maybe for master master blog has many solutions to solve the case, but for me just one of the most efficacious and powerful way to increase the number pangunjung our blog that is updated every day of our blog, frequently often to write anything on our minds. I guarantee we will be many visitors to the blog itself and I think the car is also the most potent and safest