Sunday, November 20, 2011

Image of GWK

Garuda Wisnu Kencana
Vishnu golden eagle (GWK) is a tourist spot not less good in southern Bali, more precisely located in the tourist park, cape Nusa Dua, Badung regency, about 40 kilometers south of Denpasar, the provincial capital of Bali. This park is the work of local population native to the island Bali. which makes unique and distinctive feature of this park is a large statue wisnu approximately 18 meters and garudanya. Wisnu statue plan will be increased to the eagle statue as a symbol of the eagle is the crown of Vishnu and Vishnu were aboard.Till write this paper in the manufacture of a giant statue that has not been fully finished . Vishnu  and the eagle statue was placed in a separate area Vishnu golden eagle. Vishnu new half-body statue from head to waist and his hands have not finished. suda eagle sculpture is completed.
creation of the statue's hand while stationed in the area wisnu tirta great, and probably will be installed if everything is ready.
many of the facilities owned wisnu golden eagles, among other

Vishnu Plaza
Vishnu Plaza is the highest place in the area GWK of whereVishnu statue located. many things that can be seen from ketinngina wisnu plaza. Vishnu statue is surrounded by water and by water mythic does not dry even in the dry season.

Street Theater
Street Theater is a market or place of souvenir sales. you can find various shops that sell a variety of souvenirs typical of GWK.  you will find the restaurants in this area.

Lotus Pond
Lotus Pond is the largest open space in the area GWK so this place is often used for ACRA large-scale events nationally and internationally such as music concerts, meetings and any other state.

Indraloka Garden
is one of the most favorite place to use a variety of small pickling medium such as weddings, etc.

see more Image of Garuda Wisnu Kencana

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Image of Beauty Tanah Lot

See before Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot(Land of Lot), The Holy puree located is
Tanah Lot (Lot Land) is a tourist spot is taken into account if you come to Bali (island of a thousand gods).
Tourism object land lots located in the Village District Beraban Kediri Tabanan, about 13 miles west of Tabanan  Tour the famous beauty of the sea will have its own uniqueness that is the presence of two mashed located 
above a large stone on top of the boulder and the other is located on the cliffs similar to Pura Uluwatu. puree at low tide can be visited by many tourists and is free to go there but on one condition, which was dedicated to the woman who is menstruating, a woman who is menstruating is prohibited to enter the area puree.
I do not know the reason why, but there are clear rules when the ocean tide mengijinkannya.tetapi not pure can not be visited because of ocean water covering the roads leading to it.
In the region of
puree there is a place with the name of the Holy snake  I do not know about this story,he said, according to many stories, this snake is the guardian of the pure. and the snake venom  three more awesome than cobra venom. anyway if you visit there do not forget to go to the puree was fatherly and see the beauty of puree in the middle of the ocean.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Beauty Image of Bedugul



See Before Bedugul

Bedugul, Beauty of the Lake Decorated with Pearls


One of the most exciting attractions in Bali is Bedugul, yes who  guess Bedugul, Bedugul is the name of the attraction in the form of lakes or puree. Bedugul is the name of a village, who knows what makes people people refer to it as the name of the lake or the name of the puree. probably because this place is famous for its beautiful lake which is very cool that peoples call bedugul as the name of the lake, or perhaps because there is also a nice puree so they called Bedugul as pure name.

Bedugul is located in the mountainous area that has a cool and comfortable atmosphere, can enjoy the beauty of the lake and Ulun Danu Beratan, located in the village of Yellow Temple, District Baturiti, Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia. The distance is approximately 70 km from the tourist area of ​​Kuta / airport.

Bedugul offers the beauty of the lake is very quiet, clean, green and comfortable to just walk around the lake. the water is calm, clean and in providing an atmosphere of calm and comfort. There are also many tourists who want to could feel the beauty of the lake by renting a small boat to tour around the lake is just beautiful. there is also fishing in this lake because here is also famous for its many small fish are cute, yes just for entertainment while around the lake by boat.

In the middle of the lake there is a nice building puree, yes pure place of worship for the Hindu people, confidence of the majority population of Bali. This building is old but neatly manicured. probably due to local government control and are used daily for worship.

At one edge of the lake or right side of the entrance to the lake there is a market called the yellow temple market. where knick knacks accessories in Bedugul in Bali and others. the price is quite affordable and unique-unique.

more image of Bedugul

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Another proud achievement of Indonesian students. as quoted, students from colleges ITS managed to become the common prison, mini car with a liquid-fueled  household bleach, as a result they become champions in racing Indonesia Chem E-Car Competition 2011 which was held at the ITS(Surabaya Institut of Technology). More proud of this achievement because the participants apart from the popular universities in the country such as UGM, UI, ITB also from abroad namely Malaysia's Petronas University of Technology.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Persiapan Menjalani UTS yang Kacau

Sudah lebih dari tiga tahun saya belajar di Universitas, masih saja selalu degdegen ketika akan menjalani  ujian. Kebetulan ujian tengah semester ini sudah dimulai seminggu yang lalu tepatnya hari senen 7 november 2011, akan tetapi ada kebijakan baru dari Universitas untuk semua jadwal ujian tengah semester yang tanggal 7 digantikan dengan jadwal baru yaitu tanggal 12 November 2011 itu karena tepat pada tanggal 6 November adalah hari raya Qurban atau di Indonesia dsebut juga hari raya besar, jadi seluruh setaf akademika diliburkan dari hari sabtu sampai  hari senin. Kebetulan jadwal ujianku hari senin dan jadwal ujian selanjutnya hari senis berikutnya, jadi bisa berlibur dari hari  jumat tanggal 4 sampai hari jumat tanggal 11, kesempatan itu tidak kusia-siakan untuk pulang ke rumah sekedar melepas kerinduan sama orang tua.

Tujuan saya pulang ke rumah selain melepas kerinduan sama orang tua juga untuk membantu mereka di rumah. sekalian buat alasan untuk minta uang jajan hehehe.... tidak hanya itu tujuan aku pulang ke  rumah untuk belajar sekaligus mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi ujian tengah semester tersebut, ya mungkin suasana di rumah akan lebih meningkatkan motivasiku untuk belajar, sama biar diliatin ma orang tua kelihatan belajar  gituu...hehehe, nggak lah memang aku sudah niatin dari kos  pulang kerumah juga untuk belajar mempersiapkan ujiannya.

Setelah tiba di rumah sambutan hangat dari keluargaku terasa indah, nyaman banget di hatiku, ya mungkin sudah lama tak berjumpa pastilah timbul rasa kangen yang mendalam ,dan rasa kangen tersebut hilang ketika kitta bersua. Hari demi hari telah ku lewati  di rumah, timbul keganjalan dalam pikiranku niatku pulang selain ketemu ma orang tuaku di rumah juga untuk belajar tetapi sudah sekian hari aku di rumah tak satupun buku mata kuliah yang aku buka.... wih  gimana nbesok ujiannya dalam benakku. Entah apa yang terjadi pada diriku ini malesnya minta ampun untuk belajar ketika sudah di rumah, bahkan ketika mau belajar ada saja yang menghambatnya mulai dari nonton tv, jalan-jalan,suruh ngerjain ini itu dan yang lainnya.akhirnya kuputuskan untuk berangkat malam hari menjelang ujian pada hari sabtunya. walaupun hujuan turun aku tetap berangkat, yaitu alasannya di rumah nggak bisa belajar.

Sabtu,12 Nov hari pertama masuk ujian sudah dimulai, seperti dugaan hanya beberapa nomer saja yang bisa  kujawab dari sekian banyak soal. la ini  akibat tidak belajar (dalam benakku), ya  kutulis jawaban dengan mengarang bebas sesuai yang ada di otakku, tobat-tobat.

Saran saya untuk teman, saudara sekalian yang membaca artikel ini, ketika belajar paling baik ya dengan lingkungan yang bisa mendukungmu untuk belajar,ketika di sekolah maksimalkan belajarmu di sekolah, jangan tunda-tunda  di rumah, karena kita tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi di rumah setelah kita pulang, mungkin kalian  bisa belajar  di rumah tetapi saya yakin hasilnya akan berbeda.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Murottal Quran Video Collection (Children Murotal )

Why I chose murottal child to be shared, I have only one desire is to give an example to us all and readers. compare with us whether we are as good as reading the Quran reading them or even worse. 
Coincidence on youtube has a lot of upload. Several Murottal Quran Video from

Sanur Beach Bali Island (Virginity Beach)


Sanur beach is the second most popular beach kuta beach at bali island, the beach is located on the island east of Bali. This beach has a length of 3 kilometers to the east-facing coastline. with white sand and calm surf this beach had become a favorite destination for local and foreign tourists.
This beach also has a beach as the sun rises, the opposite of Kuta beach that has a nickname sunset
beach . because this beach faces east. therefore very suitable for travelers if you want to enjoy the beauty of the sunrise came to Bali Sanur beach. This beach also has a nickname as a virgin beach but I do not know the reason why so-called virgin beach. if you are confused or want to visit this famous beach but forgot his name, try to ask the locals where the location of virgin beaches surely they know.
Because it is famous for its serenity many local and foreign visitors visited this beach. just for information only, the average price of lodging near the beach which is more expensive compared with the average price of lodging places in Kuta beach. but for those of you who want peace and harmony requires the beach is very suitable to be visited than Kuta beach close to the city a bit noisy 

more image for Sanur beach

(photo:wisataindonesia.byethost13 )


Friday, November 11, 2011

Solution Over Heating in Windows 7 for Any Laptop

for users of laptop you may have experienced cases in latopnya Over heating, especially if you use windows 7. yes overheating, a problem which is quite troublesome, if the computer or laptop is overheating we have all our work seemed to be slow, as the plane seemed to walk. but wait a minute I have a solution to this problem.
the first steps:
1. check whether the wind drains dirty or not, if dirty clean using a compressor or other
use coolpad  on your laptop is extremely helpful to better cool your laptop to avoid overheating.

The second step:
if the first step does not run smoothly it is better to try this step
1. power option click on more power option



\2. then click change plan setting
3. then choose change advanced power setting
4. in power options change percentage maximum processor state become 80% on battery  and Plugged in

I proved succesful,  good luck

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Image of Kuta Beach (in bali island)

Image of Kuta Beach(photo:hai-online)Image of Kuta Beach(photo:gallery.irvingevajoan)
Image of Kuta Beach(Photo:imagesfrombali)
Image of Kuta Beach(Photo:gorontalotravel)

Image of Kuta Beach (Photo:wisatanesia)

see before
Kuta Beach (in Bali Island)

Kuta Beach (in Bali Island)

Why I write this beach on the island of Bali, because Kuta beach was not only on the island of Bali is famous for its beauty alone, but there is also the name of Kuta beach on the island is also famous for its beauty.

Kuta beach, who do not know kuta beach? Well the beach is the pride of the island of Bali is very beautiful and amazing. the beach is a place of tourism's most sought after by many foreign tourists.

This white sand beaches with long stretches up to the airport area of ​​Bali, Gusti Rai Ngurai and tourist area of ​​Seminyak or Ubud. Kuta Beach is located in Badung regency, south of the city
Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.

with the beauty of this beach has become one of the most favorite places to visit for tourists both local and foreign.
This beach has white sand, clean and clear water. many activities that can be done in this place like surfing, swimming, diving and others. not only that the beauty of the sunset from this beach is amazing meals often called kuta beach sunset beach, opposite the beach of Sanur beach sunrise. around the coast there are many different kinds of entertainment such as bars, cafes, restaurants and other the afternoon are also many children who play ball here, because the beaches are also widespread.

Kuta beach is also often used for sporting events such as beach volleyball, both nationally and internationally

See more Image of Kuta Beach

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dennis M. Ritchie

Even the layman, computer science students would rarely know Dennis M. Ritchie. do you know all abahwa Dennis M. Ritchie is pencita of the C programming language is very popuer which later evolved into C + + and Java. he also became one of the unix operating system developers that develop into open source now, the news of his death is not flamboyant obituary steve jobs. that happened three days later than the death of steve jobs. It becomes a question for a number of people in the field of computers all the more for users of Open Source.

to more clearly see this link Dennis M. Ritchie Dead

Shalawat to the Prophet( shalawat collection "Habib Syekh")

Much will we get, the peace of the soul, the intelligence of mind, healthy body and others when we want to read, view, and listen to the prophet shalawat

There are many videos about shalawat

Real Madrid vs Osasuna 7-1 November 6th, 2011 Hilight

For Madridtista its very Amazing moment hat trick Cristiano Ronaldo

Recomended Movie in 2011

watch trailer and the Plot here

Monday, November 7, 2011

Manual Setting GPRS and 3G for Indonesian Provider

By Admin


for Setting Manual GPRS

Connection Name: AXIS (or Any)
Data Bearer: GPRS (Paket Data) atau PS
Username: AXIS
Password: 123456
Authentication: Normal
Proxy Address:
Proxy Port: 9201 atau 8080
Connection Security: Off
Session Mode: Permanent

for Setting Manual MMS

Connection Name: AXISmms(or Any)
Data Bearer: GPRS (Paket Data) or PS
Username: AXIS

Prompt Password: No
Password: 123456
Authentication: Normal
Proxy Address:
Proxy Port: 9201 atau 8080
Connection Security: Off
Session Mode: Permanent


for Setting Manual GPRS 3 Three

Profil Name: 3 GPRS (or Any)
APN: 3gprs
Proxy Server Address:
Proxy Port Number: 3128
Data Bearer: GPRS (Paket Data)
Username: 3gprs
Password: 3gprs

for Setting Manual MMS 3 Three

Profil Name: 3 MMS
APN: 3mms
Proxy Server Address:
Proxy Port Number: 3128
Data Bearer: GPRS (Paket Data)
Username: 3mms
Password: 3mms


for Setting Manual GPRS Mentari

Profil Name: Indosat GPRS(or Any)
APN: indosatgprs
Proxy Address:
Port Proxy: 8080
Data Bearer: GPRS (Paket Data)
Username: indosat
Password: indosat

for Setting Manual MMS Mentari

Profil Name: Indosat MMS
APN: indosatmms
Proxy Address:
Port Proxy: 8080
Data Bearer: GPRS (Paket Data)
Username: indosat
Password: indosat

Indosat IM3

Parameter Setting Manual GPRS IM3

Connection Name: M3-GPRS(or Any)
Username: gprs
Password: im3
Proxy Address:
Proxy Port: 9201 atau 8081

for Setting Manual MMS IM3

Connection Name: M3-MMS
Username: gprs
Password: im3
Proxy Address:
Proxy Port: 9201 atau 8081

or you can use for global indosat(mentari,Im3)

APN: indosatgprs
User : indosat
Pass : indosat
Proxy :
Port : 8080/8580
Homepage :

APN: indosatmms
User : indosat
Pass : indosat
Proxy :
Port : 8080/8580
Homepage :


Parameter Setting Manual GPRS Telkomsel

Profil Name: TSEL GPRS(or Any)

Data Bearer: Packet Data
APN: telkomsel
Username: wap
Prompt Password: No
Password: wap123
Authentication: Normal
Gateway IP Address:

Proxy Serv. Address: 8000
Connection Security: Off
Session Mode: Permanent

for Setting Manual MMS Telkomsel

Profil Name: TSEL- MMS (ar Any)

Data Bearer: Packet Data
APN: telkomsel
Username: wap
Prompt Password: No
Password: wap123
Authentication: Normal
Gateway IP Address:

Proxy Port Number: 8000
Connection Security: Off
Session Mode: Permanent


Parameter Setting Manual GPRS XL

Profil Name= XL GPRS(or Any)
Username: xlgprs
Password: proxl
Proxy Server Address:
Proxy Port: 8080/8580
Data Bearer: GPRS (Paket Data)

for Setting Manual MMS XL

Profil Name= XL MMS(or Any)
Username: xlgprs
Promt Password: No
Password: proxl
Proxy Server Address:
Proxy Port Number: 8080/8580
Data Bearer: GPRS (Paket Data)

for CDMA
IP :
port :8080/8580/8085
dial :#777 or 777 or #99
username : wap/smart
password :wap/smart

IP :
port :8080/8580/8085
dial :#777 or 777 or #99
username :M8
password :M8

Browser Suppoorted HTML 5 Page Rank

Web Browsers are now increasingly heated competition. In connection with the issue or the development of HTML5 browser developers began vying to further enhance the ability and completeness of features on the browser to more support for HTML5. as it is known that HTML5 HTML5 is a new technology that is now still in progress. For browsers that are widely used browser in the virtual world are competing to be the best for the user and updating to better support into HTML5.

Here's a list ranking the best browser that supports HTML5 by updated on aug 23th 2011

1st (First Place) : Google Chrome
Version 14.0.835
value : 340

2nd Mozilla Firefox
version 7
Value : 313

3rd Safari
Version 5.1
Value 293

Opera mini
Version 11.50
Value : 286

5th Internet Eplorer
Version 9
Value :141