Thursday, September 10, 2015

It's Not All About How Old You Are, It's How Much You Made For

It's Not All About How Old You Are, It's How Much You Made For

Strong arm by pixabay
Old Man by pixabay

Kata- kata inspirasiku hari ini, bahwa 
betapa pentingnya dan betapa besarnya waktu yang dianugerahkan kepada 
kita semua.Ya waktu adalah sesuatu yang terus berjalan yang tidak mau balik 
lagi melihat kembalipun tak mau.Sesuatu yang bisa dikatakan paling cuek sedunia whatever wherever however something happen akan lanjut terus maju tanpa mau noleh kebelakang.

Time is Money by pixabay

Kalau kate orang bule-bule itu Times is Money. 
Kalo dipikir-pikir,,ehh emang kenyataan kali yee,,
tapi emang iya kan waktu itu uang to,
 maksud ane  waktu=uang tapi mungkin menurut hemat ane siapa yang dapat manfaatkan waktu untuk 
cari uang ya die dapet uang,tapi kalo manfaatin waktu nggak cari uang mana mungkin dapet uang,,,, mungkin dapet tapi???. 
Example ente habisin waktu ente buat cari kodok di sawah ya kemungkinan
besar ente dapet kodok walaupun dapet satu atau dua ekor kalo lagi nggak apes,
 tapi ente juga mungkin dapet uang  di jalan atau di sawah pas kebetulan ada orang njatuhin uang di jalan atau
 di sawah itu kalo ente lagi super duper beruntung,, beruntungnya pun minta
ampun hahaha. Skip... Skip.. malah curhat nyari kodok.

Sementara kalo menurut orang 
timur tengah garis miring 
orang arab garis miring apa lagi ya...,
 Alwaktu Kassaif,kalo ente backgroundnya dari pondok pesantren atau dari Madrasah atau dari Jaami'ah Islamiyah atau dari yang berbau agama pastilah dah ngerti apa arti dari dua kata tersebut. Ya waktu itu seperti pedang, ente punya banyak waktu berarti ente punya banyak pedang
 hahaha bukan kaya gitu kalee.

Kalo dipikir-pikir eea sekarang ene pikirin beneran,ane kasih perumpamaan 
atau contoh, dulu pada zaman Nabi masih banyak perang, para tentara 
diwajibkan dan dijadwalkan untuk latihan, mereka banyak menggunakan 
waktu untuk belajar dan latihan perang sebagai hasilnya banyak perang yang mereka  menangkan, bayangin kalo pada waktu itu nggak pada belajar mengasah
 skill perang mereka mungkin banyak perang yang kalah dan sejarahpun berbeda.

Ok itu zaman dulu, kalo sekarang kan dah jarang perang dan Alhamdulillah
 di negeri kita tercinta Indonesia ini  rukun makmur sentosa bagaima kita memaknai Alwaktu Kassaif tersebut?? Hayo bagaimana? Kirim jawaban anda  dengan ketik jawaban sepasi jawaban anda kirim ke 6607,
bagi yang menang dapet pedang dapur alias pisau satu gepak free ongkir 
seluruh Indonesia  hahaha bnyk kali.
Ya menurut ane gunain dan manfaatin time ente semaksimal,seefektif dan seefesien mungkin untuk hal-hal yang positif sesuai bidang yang sedang dan akan melekat di tubuh ente. Ane kasih ex lagi kalo dalam bahasa jawa tulodho,ente  seorang siswa gunakan dan manfaatin waktu ente terus belajar
Jangan sampai waktu belajar ente malah main aja maunya and the  result alias hasilnya pasti dapet nilai bagus and naik kelas . Bayangin kalo ente jarang belajar and nggak naik kelas,ampuun dech 
hari gini nggak naik kelas apa kata dunia,,ini juga berlaku juga pada para 
mahasiswa dah tau lah betapa menderitanya mahasiswa tua hahaha malah curhat.

Kembali ke topik utama, seperti pepatah gajah mati  meninggalkan gadingnya maka kalo orang mati meninggalkan namanya, banyak orang-orang mati tua yang setelah cicit dah lupa namanya, itu dikeluarganya apalagi orang lain. Sebaliknya banyak juga orang yang mati bahkan  sampai sekarang masih dikenang sebut saja penemu-penemu saintis like einstein, newton etc.  Kalo di Islam   ada al khawarizmi penemu aljabar, Ibnu Sina dalam dunia kedokterannya dan masih banyak yang lain.  Itu karena karya-karya mereka masih digunakan dan menjadi inspirasi untuk  perkembangan saintis hingga saat ini.

ya mungkin dari celotehan dan basa basi diatas 
ente semua dapet feel atau core atau chemistry dari kata inspirasi dari
 judul tulisan ane di atas,
It's Not All About How Old You Are, It's How Much You Made For
Semua ada kaitannya dengan waktu, dan sesuai dengan "Sebaik-baiknya manusia adalah yang paling bermanfaat bagi lainnya"

Moga tambah seger otak pembaca yang budiman dengan corat coretan ane 
di atas. Aamiiin...

Friday, June 26, 2015

Cara Mendapatkan Gratis Pulsa di Android

Hi guys ni lagi ada trik menarik nih buat yang pegang android. Ya aplikasi yang bisa ngasih kita pulsa  dengan menukarkan poin. Aplikasi yang dimaksud adalah pop slide setiap poin agan dapat bisa ditukarkan dengan pulsa.

Untuk Pertama agan install dulu aplikasi popslidenya di sini setelah diinstall agan langsung mendapatkan 2000,

Kedua masukan jenis kelamin agan dan agan akan langsung mendpatkan poin 1000,

Ketiga Masukkan kode pulsa25k dan agan akan mendapatkan poin 2000,

Setelah selesai agan akan mendapatkan poin-poin tambahan dari lock screen hp agan, memutar rollet, install aplikasi, campaign driver dll. pokoknya joss

Catatan: Setiap Poin yang di dapat dapat ditukarkan dengan pulsa sesuai dengan besarnya poin, contoh jika agan mempunyai poin 10000 agan bisa  tukarkan pulsa dengan 10000, minimal penukaran poin sebesae 5000

Dari pengalaman ane minim  agan dapet pulsa 25 ribu perbulan  lumayan lah  kalo paketin sms nggak bakalan habis

Ni penampakan install salah satu untuk mendapatakan poin dengan menginstal aplikasi. nggak usah kawatir kalo dah diintal aplikasinya dan dapat poinnya sekiranya aplikasinya nggak bagus bisa di uninstall poinnya nggak hilang.

Catatan: Aplikasi trsebut hanya berlaku untuk satu kali install yang bisa dapat poin apabila agan sudah pernah menginstall aplikasinya maka tidak akan mendapatkan poinnya lagi. jangan khawatir popslide akan selalu menawarkan aplikasi yang terbaru  untuk mendapatkan poin yang lebih banyak,

Untuk poin lock screen biasanya cuman kecil paling 5 sama 10 poin aja, paling enak itu di appdriver kalo ada campaign bisa dapat 3000 poin atau ikutan survey bisa dapet 5000 poin. saran ane ya sering sering buka aja tu aplikasi kadang survey dan campaign waktunya cuman sebentar

Ni penampkan hasil poin yang ane dapet tinggal klik tukar pulsa pilih operator sesuai nomor masukan nomernya dan pulsa langsung masuk.

                                                         Ni penampakan baru tuker pulsa

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Get Up Early, Make You Enjoy Your Life

Today's lesson, so many thing that I wish I knew about something make me learn, learn and learn more. Yesterday I went to shop bought some household necessary and I met with one of vegetables seller and she told me about her daily activity. She said "when I was younger than you I always get up so early about 3 o'clock cooking rice and vegetables and now after my homework had been done by my doughter I get up earlier than I was young". I confuse to hear that, then I ask her " Why,,, do you have more time to rest after your doughter help you, don't you?" She said " I always Enjoy about my life, one of my duty is getting up so early, so many thing that I can do when I get Up early from tahajud , do homework, morning prayers in congregation then becomes habit, I Feel so peaceful calm in my hearth so when I was miss or late get up early I feel something missing and hole in my heart" I realize how sadness and phathetic I am, tahajud moreover? even morning prayer I was late cause I really get up six oclock. After I bough vegetables from her, my expenditure finally done back home while continuing to reflect on the words she was

Monday, May 11, 2015

Today's lesson

Sometimes we feel do not get lucky as others get. Sometimes we feel jealous of other people's enjoyment. it can make our hearts were darkened, which will lead us away from God, far from friends and even much of the fortune itself.

Illustration ( by pixabay)

Today I get  lesson from my friend he said. The existing fortune is set. we are only obliged to try to find a good way. Don't   we make the sustenance difficult just because of jealousy and envy, because it would be useless, We should pray for our friends to support his efforts. join fun with what obtained our friend. because someday surely God will help us on the road which is not unexpected, and it could be from our friend who we pray adn support earlier.

The second lesson

Illustration (by pixabay)
Never compare our job and our income to the job and income of others. especially employment and income of people we compare less than our income then we taunting. it is morally bad. because we are directly mocking god who has given a fortune to the person with the job. being wise and simple to others.

The third lesson
Illustration (by pixabay)

Share with others, especially to the needy. mathematics we differ with mathematical god. in our logic when two minus one, the result is one. Because God has promised to whoever charity then god will tuck sustenance. and it should be noted that God will see how much we share and care for others

Be careful who like smoked meat, waiting Stroke

Illustration bacon 

As an island community, the people in Sofifi, North Maluku Province, love to eat fish that is processed by means of smoked and marinated. Seen from the point of culture course that includes one form of cultural richness, but if it turns out in terms of the health of the food consumption has an impact on society.High cholesterol problems that led to the stroke is said to still be challenged by health center doctors Galala, Sofifi City, North Maluku. Access is difficult because the referral must traverse the island compounded the problem when there are emergencies."Stroke is to lose consciousness so. For such levels that it needs a higher ICU," said the doctor Puskesmas Galala, Dr. Dinar IndraswariMost of the incidence of stroke is said by Dr. Dinar society caused by high cholesterol. Unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking plus the consumption of smoked and pickled foods increase the risk of stroke because it may raise cholesterol and cause hypertension."Usually more to men because like smoking continues to hypertension and cholesterol. A diet here is also the fish round tables in smoke. That makes cholesterol rise. Food legumes as well, all use the same beans so uric acid cholesterol rises, "said Dr. Dinar.From this experience we should be extremely careful of the food we eat. because health care is expensive

Sunday, May 10, 2015


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Risk of Sleeping too long

sleep is a requirement that must be fulfilled by humans. lack of sleep can cause all sorts of instability of our body such as drowsiness power of the body decreases, and so forth. But instead whether the most sleep also will be good for the body? the answer is NO. in fact they are excessive of sleep also face a variety of health-related risks.

Therefore, begin to set the hours of sleep are enough yes, nothing less and nothing more. Ideally in adults over the age of 30 years have time to sleep 7-8 hours. For teenagers and young adults then around 8.5 to 9.25 hours of sleep, whereas for older people 5-6 hours of sleep each night.

The following risks arising from too much sleep

1. Depression
 ilustration of depression by pixabay
Man who spent sleep to much  can  make him depression

In a 2014 study, researchers found that long sleep duration increase a person's risk for experiencing depression. The study participants who slept between 7-9 hours a night have a 27 percent risk of depressive symptoms, while those who slept nine hours more at risk as much as 49 percent.

Another study in 2012 also found that among elderly women, sleeping too much in the long term may worsen brain function. Reported that women who slept more than 9 hours each night have changes in the brain which is equivalent to two years of aging.

2. Lowering the chances of pregnancy

Illustration pregant woman (photo by pixabay)

In 2013, a team of Korean researchers analyzed the sleep habits of more than 650 women undergoing in vitro fertilization. They found that the highest success rate of pregnancy in women who sleep 7-8 hours a night. While the chances are low in women who sleep for 9-11 every night. However, this association has not been found factors.

"We know that the circadian rhythm sleep habits change, secretion of hormones and the menstrual cycle. But the effect on infertility remains to be done further research, according to the researchers involved, Dr Evan Rosenbluth.

3. Diabetes

Illustration Diabetes (photo by pixabay)
Sleeping too much, more than 8 hours it can cause diabetes. in the study proved that people who sleep more than 8 hours in one day a greater risk of diabetes than those who sleep 8 hours

4. Obesity

Illustration of Obesity (photo by pixabay)

The researchers found that sleeping too banuak can make a person's risk for weight gain is higher, than those whose bedtime sufficient and not excessive.

Reported that people who sleep 9-10 each night were 25 percent less likely to rise as much as 5 kg body weight during the study period, even after the food intake and physical activity is well controlled.

6. Heart Damage

Illustrationn of Hearth Damage (photo by pixabay)

In a study presented at the 2012 American College of Cardiology Meeting, sleep eight hours or more each night was associated with an increased risk of heart problems.

The researchers analyzed data from more than 3,000 people and found that those who sleep too long have twice the risk of experiencing chest pain and 1.1 times the risk of coronary artery disease.

Sleep more than 8 hours a night were also associated with a 1.3 times greater risk of heart disease-related deaths among study participants 1,382,999.

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Saturday, May 9, 2015

Internet Sharing Peer To Peer Using Wifi on Windows 7

Back again after so long did not write the article. This time I will be sharing how sharing WIFI adhoc peer to peer.Needs to know  Internet sharing  not only with  lan cable but can also use WIFI. this step by step.

1. Right Clik  on Wifi Icon and choose Open Network and Sharing Center

2. Set A new Connection or Network and Choose Set Up Wireless ad hoc

3. Clik Next Untill asked network name and Scurity

Input Network Name and scurity  that you want

4.  After you fill up all, Clik  next and finally done, good luck

NOTE: Internet sharing with peer to peer ad hoc above use laptop to laptop only or personal computer with wifi injected. For smartphone tablet cant use tutorial above.