Saturday, December 31, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Dreamland Beach Photos
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Dreamland Beach Photo by tempatwisatadibali |
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Dreamland beach photo by aliamemoir |
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Dreamland Beach photo by forum.vibizportal |
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Dreamland Beach photo bypaket2wisata |
Dreamland Beach, Bali
Most beautiful beaches on the Bali Island Beside Kuta Beach ? the answer is just one of Dreamland Beach. This beach is so beautiful and can be equated beauty with the most famous beaches in the world of Kuta beach. not many people know this beach because of the challenge may be less dadalm promotion by the government of Bali city. The
difference with Dreamland beach is not as busy as Kuta beach at Kuta , so for those of you who want to require a good level of comfort, I
recommend you to go to Dreamland beach.
The beach is famous for surfing place is so beautiful and perhaps as a kembaranpantai Kuta for its beauty.
Dreamland Beach is located in Pecatu (Uluwatu) Bali. we can get to the destination just by walking about 30 minutes from Kuta beach.
As well as the best surfing beach is being developed into a tourist resort complete with golf courses, international schools, international hospitals shopping malls and other tourism facilities
As well as the best surfing beach is being developed into a tourist resort complete with golf courses, international schools, international hospitals shopping malls and other tourism facilities
See more photos for Dreamland Beach
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Image of Kintamani
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Kintamani The Wonderfull scenery
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Kintamani Photo |
Kintamani is a district in Bangli District, Bali Province, Indonesia. Kintamani is also a tourist area of natural sights in Bali, Indonesia.
The sources are mentioned on Lake Batur is Lontar Kesmu Gods. Ejection Usana Bali and Raja Purana Lontar Batur. Pura Batur stated that has existed since the time of the professor Kuturan, namely the 10th century until the beginning of the 11th century. The extent of the area and many pelinggih-pelinggih it is forecast that the Pura Batur is penyiwi kings who ruled in Bali, was also a Jagat heaven. At Pura Batur is the Goddess Danu diistanakan mentioned in Lontar Usana Bali that translation as follows:
"It is the story, happened in the month of Marga Sari (month to V) time Krishna Forced (Tilem) tersebutlah Betara Pasupati in India are transferring the summit of Mount Maha Meru is divided into two, held with his left hand and right and then brought to Bali used as his son sthana namely Betara Putrajaya (Hyang Supreme Deity) and the top of the mountain that brought his left hand into Mount Batur as sthana Betari Danuh, that's both as ulunya island of Bali. This mountain is a symbol of the second element of Purusa and Pradana of Sang Hyang Widhi. Pura Batur is a place of worship of Hindus in Bali Bali, especially around the Central, Northern and Eastern pleading safety in the field of rice. Hence, in the revered saint who fell on Purnamaning to X
(kedasa) all the people, especially in all kelian subak, sedahan-sedahan come to Pura Batur deliver to "Suwinih". Similarly, if a disaster pests.
The sources are mentioned on Lake Batur is Lontar Kesmu Gods. Ejection Usana Bali and Raja Purana Lontar Batur. Pura Batur stated that has existed since the time of the professor Kuturan, namely the 10th century until the beginning of the 11th century. The extent of the area and many pelinggih-pelinggih it is forecast that the Pura Batur is penyiwi kings who ruled in Bali, was also a Jagat heaven. At Pura Batur is the Goddess Danu diistanakan mentioned in Lontar Usana Bali that translation as follows:
"It is the story, happened in the month of Marga Sari (month to V) time Krishna Forced (Tilem) tersebutlah Betara Pasupati in India are transferring the summit of Mount Maha Meru is divided into two, held with his left hand and right and then brought to Bali used as his son sthana namely Betara Putrajaya (Hyang Supreme Deity) and the top of the mountain that brought his left hand into Mount Batur as sthana Betari Danuh, that's both as ulunya island of Bali. This mountain is a symbol of the second element of Purusa and Pradana of Sang Hyang Widhi. Pura Batur is a place of worship of Hindus in Bali Bali, especially around the Central, Northern and Eastern pleading safety in the field of rice. Hence, in the revered saint who fell on Purnamaning to X
(kedasa) all the people, especially in all kelian subak, sedahan-sedahan come to Pura Batur deliver to "Suwinih". Similarly, if a disaster pests.
Identification and attractiveness
Tourism potential of this region is the view of the mountains are very unique and amazing. After approximately 2 hours drive from Denpasar City, we will arrive in the region, precisely at a place called Penelokan, which as the name in Balinese language means the place to look is the most strategic location to enjoy the natural scenery in the region this tour. Penelokan located in Kedisan, one of the villages in the district. Kintamani.
From Penelokan we could see spectacular scenery. combination of Mount Batur and its expanse of black rocks of Lake Batur is a blue crescent-shaped in a caldera of the tourists said to be the most beautiful caldera in the world. Penelokan already have sufficient infrastructure as tourist attractions, including lodging and restaurants.
From Penelokan we have two alternatives to continue the journey in Kintamani. The first we can continue north toward the village of Batur. In this village we can visit one of the celestial universe in Balinese temple called Pura Batur. This temple was originally located in the southwest of Mount Batur which is then transferred along with the displacement of villagers to the top.
The second alternative we can go down to the nearest village to the next Kedisan wade across a lake to an old village named Terunyan. In the village of Terunyan we can see an ancient civilization called Bali Bali Aga. in this village of people who died were not buried but placed just beneath a tree. These corpses do not smell at all.
From Penelokan we could see spectacular scenery. combination of Mount Batur and its expanse of black rocks of Lake Batur is a blue crescent-shaped in a caldera of the tourists said to be the most beautiful caldera in the world. Penelokan already have sufficient infrastructure as tourist attractions, including lodging and restaurants.
From Penelokan we have two alternatives to continue the journey in Kintamani. The first we can continue north toward the village of Batur. In this village we can visit one of the celestial universe in Balinese temple called Pura Batur. This temple was originally located in the southwest of Mount Batur which is then transferred along with the displacement of villagers to the top.
The second alternative we can go down to the nearest village to the next Kedisan wade across a lake to an old village named Terunyan. In the village of Terunyan we can see an ancient civilization called Bali Bali Aga. in this village of people who died were not buried but placed just beneath a tree. These corpses do not smell at all.
Tourism Region is located in the village of Batur Batur, Kintamani District Level II Regional District Bangli. sea surface temperature of the air with cool air during the day and cold at night. These attractions can be traversed by vehicles, because this location linking the city of Bangli and Singaraja. While the route object, connecting with the Tourism Regions Tourism Tampaksiring Batur and Besakih.
In the Batur area attractions available parking, restaurant, restaurants, lodging, toilet, telephone, and beverage stalls and refreshments. Public transport facilities and transport crossings are also available.
Batur Region tourist attraction visited by tourists and the archipelago. Visits are most prominent around August, September, while welcoming the New Year and New Year atmosphere. Similarly, in the days Galungan, Eid and Christmas Day, and often visited by guests from both central and state guests from abroad.
Mengatasi Ekstensi .CHK pada Flashdisk
Begini ceritanya, Ada saudaraku yang disuruh untuk memfoto pesta perkawinan saudaranya. dia ditugasi untuk memfoto dan menyuting acara pesta perkawinan saudaranya. Ketika sudah selesai memfoto dan menyuting, kebetulan dia hanya memakai handycam, kartu memori yang ada di handycam di cabut langsung dipindahkan ke flash disk barunya, apesnya tidak memindahkan file foto dan videonya ke komputer dulu, dia langsung memindahkan file foto tersebut di cut langsung ke flash disk miliknya. hehehe bagaimana mau mindahin ke komputer dulu wong dia pas mindahin file-filenya juga di warnet jadi dari kartu memori langsung di cut ke flashdisk. setlah selesai meng cut file tersebut dia kaget file-file yang ada di flashdisk kok nggak ada malahan hilang semua alias tampilan dalam flash disk kosong. kemudian dia cek beberapa kali tancap masuk tetep nggak ada, sampai dia ke warnet lain tetep juga ga muncul tu file, tetapi dalam propertis di flash disk masih ada isinya.
Suatu ketika dia bertanya kepadaku tentang masalah itu ya aku jawab sederhana "paling paling ke hidden" sesuai pengalamanku kebanyakan flasdisk yang kaya gitu pasti file-filenya di hidden sama virus saya jawab pilih tool ==> view dan show hidden file pasti bisa. Ternyata di coba-coba tetep nggak bisa muncul. Kemudian dia datang ke kosku langsung bawa flashdisknya dan aku praktikkan sesuai pengalamanku tak di show hidden file, show protected system, show extension tetep ga bisa kebukak, kemudian aku coba pakai attrib yang ada di dos tetep nggak bisa keluar. Hampir aku frustasi ku coba pakai windows Xp kemudian ta coba seperti diatas eh muncul folder dengan nama found.000, aku sempet seneng pas dah muncul folder tersebut, tetapi timbul masalah baru lagi yaitu semua file yang ada di dalam folder found.000 tersebut berextensi .CHK, file apa itu dalam benakku.
Kemudian saya punya inisiatif mengubah extensi CHK menjadi .jpg dan .mov karena sepengatahuan saya file poto yang defalut pada handycam adalah jpg dan videonya adalah mov jadi untuk file-file yang berukuran kecil saya beri extensi.jpg dan file yang rada besar aku beri extensi .mov, aku gembira sempat berhasil tetapi masih ada yang tidak bisa dibukak, Aku coba searching di google dan cari tahu apa itu format CHK ternyata file tersebut adalah extensi untuk recoveri pada windows untuk mengembalikannya anda bisa menggunakan aplikasi cukup ringan dan kecil yaitu unCHK cara penggunaannya cukup mudah file tersebut di extak di dalam folder yang filenya berextensi chk tersebut tinggal run tunggu proses recovery untuk menggunakannya anda bisa mengunduh di sini
Tapi kalau filenya hanya sedikit dan kita sudah tau extensi file tersebut, kita tinggal merename aja extensinya tetapi jika file nya banyak misalnya 500 atau lebih saya sarankan untuk memakai aplikasi tersebut
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sistem Informasi Stok Barang Sederhana dengan Delphi
Bagi temen-temen yang seneng dengan Pemrograman Delphi, ni ada contoh sistem informasi stok barang dengan delphi, sebenarnya ini adalah tugas kuliah aku, jangan diketawakan ya soalnya aku masih belajar bagi yang berminat bisa di unduh di sini
Image of Nusa Dua Bali
See Before Nusa Dua Bali Resort
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Nusa Dua Bali Island "The Wonderfull Place"
Who does not know where this one is, the island of Nusa Dua Bali, an amazing place located on the island of Bali. Makati is the most exclusive attractions found on the island of Bali. Because this place is a beautiful place from the other views of the beach up there on the island. Beaches and white sand that add perfection sights in the island. Please note that there are beaches on the island is a canal Sanur beach is also exotic. Not only is the beach of the heavens and the place is so beautiful and clean to make the tourists both local and abroad are coming.
The island is located in south-eastern most tip of the island of Bali, or about 15 km from Ngurah Rai International Airport and about 40 km from the city of Denpasar, the capital of bali. so if you go there only takes about 10 minutes to get there using land transportation from the airport. or you can rent a car or motorcycle that has been provided agents sights in Bali.
some recommendations for you to rest: Nusa Dua Beach Hotel, Inna Putri Bali, Ayodya Resort, Conrad Bali Resort, Grand Hyatt Bali, Melia Bali, Nikko Bali, Sheraton Laguna Nusa Dua, The Westin Resort Nusa Dua, and the Swiss Grand Bali
The island is located in south-eastern most tip of the island of Bali, or about 15 km from Ngurah Rai International Airport and about 40 km from the city of Denpasar, the capital of bali. so if you go there only takes about 10 minutes to get there using land transportation from the airport. or you can rent a car or motorcycle that has been provided agents sights in Bali.
appropriate with an incredible quality of tourism, almost all the hotels in the Nusa Dua is five-star. it's quite reasonable when you visit there comfort and peace you will get without any interruption.
For those of you who like to spend two offers a variety of native and antiques and special pieces art bali found in various shops around the Nusa Dua. Bali Golf and Country Club is an alternative to the lovers of golf to carry out his hobby.
For some Image Of Wonderfull Nusa Dua
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
TIP TRIK FB. Mengganti Poto profile Menggunakan Hand Phone
Mungkin dari kalian semua sudah pada jagao dengan Facebook, ya aplikasi jejaring sosial nomer satu di dunia ini telah menghipnotis para penggunanya dengan berbagai macam layanan yang ada di dalamnya. Pada awalnya pengguna facebook hanya pada pengguna desktop atau komputer biasa, namun untuk sekarang ini kita juga dapat menggunakannya di hp kita masing-masing, karena hampir semua dari kita pada saat ini sudah mempunyai hp dan belum tentu memmpunyai kompuuter. mungkin itu juga menjadi suatu alasan dari pihak facebook untuk menambah anggotanya lewat hp.
Bagi pengguna facebook yanng menggunakan komputer mungkin tidak mendapatkan kesulitan untuk menjalankan semua layanan yang ditawarkan dari facebook mulai dari chat, game, video call dan lainnya. Namun bagi pengguna hp banyak layanan yang tidak dapat diakses melalui hp, sebagai contoh untuk yang begitu kecil dan sepele yaitu mengganti poto profil. Banyak temen-temen yang belum tau bagaimana cara mengganti poto profil mereka melalui hp, bahkan sebagian dari mereka pergi ke warnet atau jasa internet lainnya hanya ingin merubah poto profil mereka.
Untuk masalah ini ada solusi buat anda yang menggunakan hp dan ingin mengganti poto profilnya di hp
1. Buka web browser di hp anda, saya sarankan menggunakan opera mini karena tampilannya akan penuh.
2. Tulislah di addres browser anda kemudian klik ok
3. Setelah itu anda disuruh untuk login terlebih dahulu, setelah login tampilan yang muncul pertama kali adalah tampilan untuk merubah poto profil tersebut.
4. Kemudian ambil poto yang ada di hp, ingat sebelum masuk ke facebook ingatlah nama foto yang akan anda upload karena ketika kita brows poto tidak akan terlihat tampilan poto tersebut seperti halnya tampilan thubnail yang ada di komputer, tetapi hanya namanya saja yang terlihat.
5. dan selesai, bagi anda yang kebetulan lagi internetan pake hp bisa langsung coba di sini
Friday, December 9, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Membuat Aplikasi Media Player Sederhana Dengan Delphi

Bagi yang mau source kodenya di sini
Image of Bali Bird Park
See before Bali Bird ParkSee for the map of place Bali Bird Park
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Bali Bird Park that Enchanting

Bali Bird Park is one of the property owned by Indonesian wildlife, the location in full in Singapadu, Gianyar, Bali Bird Park . Was first opened in October 1995, the bird park was further developed and added collections. No fewer than 1,000 birds of 250 species of birds. One of the very rare collection of birds exist only in the Indonesian island of Bali is the Bali starling or called Starling.
Many tourist visitors from both local and overseas. This place is perfect for holidays with family and childrenvisitors can not only see and enjoy the birds in the park, but they can also find out how breeding from egg to adulthood.
Visitors can also feed the birds with food that has been provided by the park rangers.
besides opengunjung can also take pictures with one of the existing collections of birds in the park must be accompanied by a park ranger.
The map of Bali Bird ParkFor more information goto here
For more Image of Bali Bird Park
Many tourist visitors from both local and overseas. This place is perfect for holidays with family and childrenvisitors can not only see and enjoy the birds in the park, but they can also find out how breeding from egg to adulthood.
Visitors can also feed the birds with food that has been provided by the park rangers.
besides opengunjung can also take pictures with one of the existing collections of birds in the park must be accompanied by a park ranger.
The map of Bali Bird ParkFor more information goto here
For more Image of Bali Bird Park
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